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The Twelve Gifts of Jeshurun

The Hebrew term Jeshurun means “acts of righteousness.” The Twelve Gifts of Jeshurun are the twelve “acts of righteousness” which are the foundation of the Laws of Virtue that Christ gave to Yahweh before the foundation of the earth.

Christ gave Achee (the grandson of Shem) this vision of Jeshurun:

And Achee looked again and he beheld Jeshurun in the midst of all creation, which name by interpretation means to act in righteousness. And he said to the Lord, “Lord what is it that I am seeing?” And the Lord said, “Jeshurun is the foundation of the Law of Virtue that springs forth out of the heart of the Son of Yahweh. And they are also the twelve gifts of My offering to My Father which were for the purpose of heralding to all creation the peace and tranquility of mankind. And in this way was the Law in the beginning given unto the entire family of mankind, by the dividing of the twelve sons of Adam. And the meaning of their names are the element of righteousness according....

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